The Peoria Woman - June 2003

The YWCA of Peoria celebrated the 25th anniversary of its Leader Luncheon Awards May 7 at the Hotel Pere Marquette. The awards honor seven women who have made outstanding contributions to the central Illinois community in a variety of ways.

Lead Story

Protect Yourself From Fraud
by Tori Phelps
It seems a new fraud makes headlines nearly every day. Even worse, women may be at greater risk of becoming a victim of unscrupulous business practices. The Better Business Bureau, an organization synonymous with ethical business relationships, offers important hints and cautions to help women avoid potential pitfalls.

Peoria Profile

Julie Prather, Sonoma Cucina
by Tori Phelps
Many area residents were surprised when The Grill On Fulton, a popular downtown Peoria restaurant, closed in January. In its place, however, rose Sonoma Cucina, a new restaurant for central Illinois diners to investigate. One element that remained constant through this change was general manager Julie Prather.

From the Editor

The Future Is In Mothers’ Hands
Who is a typical American mother? “She is black and white, single and married; she is rich and she is poor; she works out of the home or she stays at home. She holds in her hands the hope for the security and the future of America. Here, in simple terms, is where the future of America is formed,” states Rosalie Gaziano, American Mothers, Inc.