Entertaining Ideas

Do Something Different this Shower Season

‘Tis the celebrating season. You have showers of well wishes for brides, weddings to attend, and graduates to honor. Will you be host or guest? If hosting, consider the following as you plan.

Do your food preparation as much in advance as possible. Nothing creates panic like hearing the doorbell with a counter full of produce waiting to be prepared. Leave the last minute for those few things that require it.

Prep the coffeemaker ahead of time, ready to brew at your convenience. Ever wonder how to use those 30, 50, 100 cup urns? First, fill the urn with water to desired level. Place the grounds basket on your counter (not in the urn) and add appropriate amount of ground coffee. No paper filter required. For every 20 to 25 cups of brewed coffee, add one measuring cup of ground coffee. Sprinkle a little cinnamon over the top for a flavor surprise. Then place the filled basket in the urn, and flip the switch when you’re ready to brew. Plan on 30 minutes (for smaller pots) to 60 minutes.

If celebrating a graduate, bride, or baby, enclose a blank card with each invite. Ask the guest to write her best bit of wisdom for the honoree. Collect the cards at the party and create a spiral-bound book as a keepsake.

At my nephew’s wedding, a designated photographer stood at the reception hall door and took Polaroid pictures in small groups. During dinner the pictures were placed in a scrapbook. Throughout the evening, guests found their “picture page” and penned greetings to the couple. This works for other events, too.

For a seated meal, use miniature picture frames as place cards—with either the guest’s name or picture (if you have them). A nice party favor!

Speaking of seated dinners, Joan, hostess extraordinaire, writes a question for each guest on their place cards (for a college student—“What was your craziest class this year?” Theatre buff—“Who’s your favorite Broadway character?”) What a creative way to spark lively table conversation and make your guests feel special.

You could host a tea with a twist—an herbal tea. Enclose a packaged herbal tea bag with your party invitation. Incorporate fresh herbs in a few of your menu items, or simply as garnishes. Buy a variety of small potted herbs. Shop garage sales, resale shops, or dollar stores for pretty teacups. Do a small herb planting in each teacup, and gather them for a table centerpiece. At party’s end, they become guest favors.

No matter the style of your upcoming party, here’s a recipe you’ll want to consider, tasty in any season.

Frozen Fruit Slush 

    One 6 oz. can each: frozen lemonade, frozen orange juice 
    16 oz. package frozen strawberries 
    20 oz. can crushed pineapple with juice 
    4 oz. maraschino cherries 
    3 bananas, sliced 
    1-1/2 cups water 
    3/4 cup sugar

Partially thaw strawberries and juices. Combine all. Place in small plastic cups for individual servings. Freeze. Defrost 30 to 45 minutes before serving (should be slushy). Serves 12 to 14.

If you have questions or ideas for the author, e-mail to info@peoriamagazines.com. TPW