iBi - February 2011

Is This Déjà Vu All Over Again?

by Donald J. Crane, MD and Beverlee L. Gilmore
Crane Gilmore & Associates, Inc.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act meets one of its two original goals—that all Americans will be covered—but it missed the goal of controlling costs by light years. Today, we ask ourselves: Can we massage the healthcare system signed into law on March 23, 2010, or do we throw it out and start over?

Healthcare Reform

by Michael J. Powers
Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC

The avalanche of guidance issued by various government agencies involved with implementing healthcare reform would indicate that the legislation was only the beginning of the process.

Your Healthcare Information

by Joy Duling
Illinois Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center

The big-picture vision is that a patient can walk into any physician’s office and all the information needed to provide high-quality, cost-effective care would be available.

It Takes a Village

by Jonathan Wright

A variety of initiatives at the state and national levels are addressing America’s obesity problem, but more influential is what is happening locally. The Healthy Lifestyles School Project began in 2009 to promote healthy lifestyle choices at Garfield Primary, Trewyn Middle and Manual High School.

Transparency and the Healthcare System

by Dr. Gail Amundson
Quality Quest for Health of Illinois

Healthcare economics work differently than other industries, and those differences have created a real conundrum.

When It Hurts to Work or Play

Methodist Medical Center

Sports medicine physicians provide care for a wide range of patients, both athletes and non-athletes.


Starting a Neighborhood Watch

by Kaylyn Kuzniar

Since the revitalization of neighborhood watches in Peoria in 2006, there are over 60 such groups in the city, and they all started with a phone call to Steve Fairbanks.