When are nominations accepted?
Nominations will be accepted through Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
How do I submit a nomination?
Submit via email to 40leaders@peoriamagazines.com, or mail to Peoria Magazines, 101 State Street, Peoria IL 61602.
Who can I nominate?
Anyone, excluding yourself, who is 39 years of age or younger as of December 31, 2022. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
May I nominate someone who lives outside the Peoria area?
We ask that all nominated individuals live and work within Peoria Magazines' nine-county area of primary coverage: Fulton, Knox, Logan, Marshall, Mason, Peoria, Stark, Tazewell and Woodford counties.
Can I nominate more than one person?
Yes, you are free to nominate as many people as you’d like.
Can I submit my nomination anonymously?
You may, but the judges prefer nominations with the nominator's name attached to them. Nominators' names will not be made public.
Who serves as judges for 40 Leaders Under Forty?
An independent panel of community and business leaders.
What criteria do the judges use to select the winners?
Nominees should have a recognized record of extraordinary achievement and a track record of leadership experience in their professional and/or volunteer lives.
Do multiple nominations affect my chances for winning?
When will the winners be selected and notified?
The winners will be selected and notified by Friday, September 30, 2022.
I nominated someone last year and he/she wasn’t selected. Can I nominate him/her again this year?
Yes, we encourage this. In fact, many nominees don’t win the first year they are nominated.
How do I find out if my nominee was selected for this year’s class?
All nominators will be notified within a week of judging regarding the status of their nominees.
Will you tell the person I nominated if he/she was selected?
We will only contact the nominees selected for this year’s class. Nominees who were not selected this year will not know they were nominated unless you tell them.
Will my company/organization know that I am receiving the award?
Yes, your company/organization will be notified and offered the opportunity to recognize your achievement.
What is expected of the winners?
Winners must work with Peoria Magazines' staff to ensure the accuracy of the information we have received. They must also have their photo taken during selected dates at the end of September and attend the awards ceremony later this fall.
My question was not answered on this page. Can you help me?
Please call us at (309) 677-4747 or email your question to 40leaders@peoriamagazines.com.