iBi - October 2010

Serious Gaming, Real Results

by Jonathan Wright

Simulators are being put to great use in many industries, from healthcare, aviation and defense to engineering and urban planning. Perhaps most widely associated with flight training, realistic simulators are now being used for heavy equipment operator training.

Epic Win! What Businesses Can Learn From Online Gaming

by Amy Lambert

Playing within a group leads to some interesting perspectives and new capabilities. Massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs) take gaming to a level which can lead to achievements previously thought of as unreachable.

Information Tsunami

by Greg Johnson
Pearl Companies

Are all these combinations of different cloud environments just consultant-speak and new marketing spins to try to get my money? Far from it. Cloud computing really is a new model of consumption.

The Many Virtues of Virtualization

by Scott Stevens
Clifton Gunderson Technology Solutions

Virtualization can bring cost savings, improved availability and greater productivity to your company's network.

Should Your Company Play Foursquare?

by Eric Osterman
CI Social Networking

Location-based networking is the latest trend in social media and provides a wealth of opportunities for business and consumers to interact.

Windows 7: Simply Better

by Rod Roth
Sedona Technologies

Windows 7 is a welcome departure from the not-so-efficient Vista operating system.

Catching Up to Japan with Mobile Tagging

by Jessica Brugman
InfoCom Marketing

Since the mid-1990s, Japanese consumers have used their cell phones to scan unique-looking bar codes for information about their favorite products, movies and businesses.

Artful Technology in Pursuit of a Cure

by Edward J. Barry, Jr.
Farnsworth Group

The noted American sociologist Daniel Bell once suggested that, “Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.”


A New Home for Henry

The Central Illinois Chapter of the American Red Cross is anxiously awaiting its newest team member, Henry.