iBi - September 2010

Illinois Mutual: A Century of Success

Four generations of McCords have run Illinois Mutual since its founding 100 years ago in 1910. Michel A. McCord has been president of the company since 1990 and also serves as chairman of the board. Executive Vice President Katie McCord Jenkins, the fifth generation of family, is poised to help lead the company into its next 100 years.

150 Years, One Family

by Amy Chovan

In its 150 years of business, Hagerty Brothers has survived 16 official economic recessions. The company has stayed alive by reinventing themselves and adapting in challenging times.

A Strong Foundation

by Scott Rogers and Jonathan Wright

One hundred and thirty-seven years ago, Ulysses S. Grant was beginning his second term as president. A severe economic depression was spreading across the country, and a young millworker was laying down the roots of a company that would still be standing nearly a century and a half later.

Built to Last

by Amy Chovan

After working at Crawford Jewelers in Peoria for two decades, Tom Potter and Gus Anderson decided to go into business together, opening Potter & Anderson Jewelers, on August 5, 1928, just one year before the stock market crash that led to the Great Depression.

A Way of Life

by Scott Rogers

A throwback to an earlier time, Fred’s Shoe Repair keeps alive a trade that has practically been left to the dustbin of history.

Beating the Chains

by Scott Rogers

One might envision Lindy’s as the classic mom-and-pop shop, the David struggling to fend off the corporate Goliaths. And so it is in many ways…yet Lindy’s is not struggling at all.

Selling the Family-Owned Business

by Steve Sink
Phoenix Affiliates

Each succeeding generation has its own ideas about taking the company forward—or if it wants to join the family business at all.

Getting Into IT

by Amy Chovan

Tammy Finch, founder of East Peoria’s Web Tech Services, didn’t plan on getting into the computer industry—it just kind of happened.

Standing the Test of Time

by Amy Kennard

In 1915, Joseph Haddad left his home in Lebanon to come to America to pursue a dream. He married Mary Siyman, and together they saved enough money to open their first grocery store.

A Successful Transfer

by Jennifer Daly
Morton Economic Development Council

Eight years ago, Roger Kahler’s son, Brad, returned to Morton to begin the process of taking over the reins of Fort Transfer.
