iBi - June 2013

by Gabrielle Balzell

Persevering through everything from radical social change and political upset to the ravages of war and economic crisis, the Rotary Club of Peoria has stood the test of time. This month, it celebrates its centennial anniversary, marking a century of commitment to putting service above self.

Relationships Are Critical

“Peoria is a very giving community.” That’s a sentiment I’ve heard time and again over the years, including again this very week. And part of the reason that’s true is due to the collective efforts of a wide range of clubs and organizations.

Rebuilding Peoria: The Next Phase

by Caryl Schlicher

For decades, we Peorians have discussed ways to diversify and strengthen the Peoria economy, and much has been accomplished. Now, an ever-growing group of innovators are developing the next great phase of expansion. 

Following in His Father’s Footsteps

by Sara Browning

As a youth, Jonathan Burklund grew up with a passion for the distribution industry. Today, as a seasoned veteran, he claims he has achieved his “greatest personal satisfaction.”

PAWAC Plans To Widen Its Focus

by Cat Schaidle

New, expanded programming will tie together politics and economics for a greater appeal to international trade and business organizations.

Promoting Leadership to Women

by Meghan Lundeen

Women in Leadership of Central Illinois helps women learn and grow from one another as professionals, philanthropists and leaders.

Toastmasters: What a Difference!

by Martie Ogborn
Toastmasters International

Toastmasters work to empower everyone in the club to develop stronger communication and leadership skills—skills you can depend on now and in the future.

Professional Associations: A Great Place to Start

by Eric Dubrowski
Institute of Management Accountants - Central Illinois Chapter

Leveraging the resources of professional associations can provide the training, education and networking to build a more successful career.

Jaycees: Putting Talent to Work

by Jennifer Ritter

The Peoria Jaycees provides young people the opportunity to create positive change in their communities and in the world. 

Women Building Better Communities

by Michelle Winkler

Through dedication and collaboration, the Junior League of Peoria has strived to meet the community’s underserved needs for nearly 80 years.

Lions Club Roars for Peoria

by Sara Browning

The world’s largest philanthropic club organization provides assistance to those in need with life, energy and a spirit of service.


Seeking Common Ground

by Gabrielle Balzell

Turn on any evening newscast and you’ll discover the line separating religion from politics has become increasingly blurred. With the polarizing effects of extremism wearing the boundary dangerously thin on all sides, many have come to equate religious beliefs with partisan politics.