iBi - January 2013

You've Decided to Go Mobile... What's Next?

by Chad Udell
Float Mobile Learning

The most transformative force in technology since the advent of the PC is taking root and setting your employees free. How can you take advantage of it?

To the Cloud... and Beyond

by Gabrielle Balzell

The explosive progression of mobile technologies was the driving factor behind Bradley University’s decision to create undergraduate and graduate concentrations in mobile computing.

I Live in the Future… And You Can, Too!

by Amy Lambert
OneFire Media

2013 is a great place to be! But what if you could live—or run your business—in the future. A place where the goals you envision today are already complete.

Malware Goes Mobile

by Jessica Tharp
Better Business Bureau of Central Illinois

Follow these tips to protect your smartphone against malware.

Taming Technology

by Jennifer Cross
Princeton Leadership Services

Learn to minimize technology distractions and maximize your efficiency at the office.

A Fool with a Tool is Still a Fool

by Michael Menard, The GenSight Group

Many people mistakenly believe that the technology itself is the solution, when it is at best 10 percent of the value equation.


Three-Dimensional Demand

by Gabrielle Balzell

As our computers, phones, tablets and other gadgets become progressively more intelligent and personalized, the home printer is not far behind.