iBi - September 2011

News Media Changes

by Bill Knight

"Communities and citizens are seriously harmed—including financially—if there is not a critical mass of full-time professional journalists watching over the key institutions, such as state and local government, local schools, state and local courts, police, environmental planning, land use, transportation, and public health."

Privacy in the Age of New Media

by Ed Lamoureux
Department of Interactive Media and Department of Communication, Bradley University

I find remarkable the degree that Americans have given up their privacy. And this is a tale of trends that are very difficult, if not impossible, to reverse.

Navigating the New Digital Media

by Kristin Muckerheide and Jonathan Wright

In an age when a U.S. congressman resigned because of a tawdry tweet, and news of the death of the world’s most wanted terrorist first spread online through social networking sites, we have stumbled upon a media landscape of a curious nature.

Citizen Journalism 101

by Billy Dennis

Citizen journalism is about presenting a different point of view. It’s about lots of points of views. It’s about being an alternative source of news and information.

Q&A with Tom Hunt

Six months after WCBU's format change, it appears to have been a success. iBi spoke with the station’s executive director about the reasons for and challenges of implementing the change.

The Pan Has Changed

by Douglas Fouts
Xapsis Integrated Marketing

Some practices are initiated with a purpose, but over time, even the best practice can lose its usefulness.

The Last Reporter

by Steve Tarter

The villain in the piece is not the almighty Internet as one might assume, but corporate ownership that has sucked the life out of community coverage.

Aligning New and Traditional Media

by Mike Wild
JMP Radio Group

While new media is a necessary addition to marketing strategies,  research indicates that traditional media is as critical as ever.

Journalism: The Next Generation

The associate chairperson of Bradley’s Department of Communication explains how the department is changing to prepare its students for the evolving media world.

Video Gaming, Texting, Myspace...Oh My!!!

by Vickie J. Lewis
Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery

As parents, we can become overwhelmed thinking about the accessibility of TV, video games, texting, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and so on…


Also in Balance...

10 Mistakes In Strength Training...Where We Get the News...Nielsen’s Media Universe...Getting Social...