Designs for Living

Sensual Healing: Refresh and Rejuvenate Your Spirit Through Interior Design
Does your home sustain and comfort you, or does it add to your stress level? In today’s world of insecurities, fear, and worry, we all need a safe place to relax and let our hair down. We need a utopian escape from the tensions of the real world—where we can play, learn, and think at our own pace and in our own way. Our home should be this place.

When we’re provided with a quiet, comfortable setting, we can allow our sub-conscious to come to the forefront, providing valuable insights and ideas that would otherwise be lost. Like the warmth and comfort of a favorite blanket, our other design choices can provide us with our most basic human needs, allowing us to focus our thoughts and release anxiety.

Through the use of soft fabrics and ethereal color, an environment that lends itself to both relaxation and contemplation can be easily created. Our sense of touch is a powerful communicator, capable of altering our psyche dramatically. Textures and colors that are soft, warm, and sensual help envelop us in a peaceful, serene feeling.

Calm blues and greens, along with warm, light neutrals and pale pink hues, help us de-stress and gain balance. Simple storage pieces help eliminate stress-causing clutter. Uncomplicated, elegant designs with an emphasis on finishes and texture cut down on the information overload busier interiors can sometimes cause. When patterns are used, they should bring to mind distant or exotic places where time stands still.

Artwork should be soothing and meaningful. Still life, garden scenes, landscapes, and seascapes work well. Sheer fabrics at the windows help filter light while providing some privacy and still allowing the organic softness of nature to come through. Candlelight, filtered sunlight, and other subtle natural lighting help calm frazzled nerves. Noise control through acoustic wall coverings or flooring can also be helpful. Melodious music, fountains, and fresh flowers further enhance the sensual mood, allowing total relaxation.

When we can leave work behind and enjoy our personal time, we are not only more eager to return to work, but also more dynamic when we get there. Why not create at least one room in your residence were you can take a mini vacation every time you come home?

We all sometimes call upon our senses (touch, sight, sound, and smell) to heal our damaged spirits and rejuvenate our souls. The right interior can do all of these things and make our lives both more pleasurable and productive.

Let your home provide you with the sensual healing we all need and desire.

If you have any questions for the author, please e-mail them to TPW