As executive director of the Peoria Area World Affairs Council, Angela Weck brings global issues to the forefront in central Illinois. She speaks with The Peoria Woman about her travels and studies abroad, what PAWAC programs offer, how the world is becoming "smaller," and more.
Caregivers often suffer in silence, feeling guilty for asking for help or worrying about their own health. Never think there’s nothing you can do to show a caregiver you care—sometimes just offering to sit beside them is a priceless gift.
There’s no denying women have made great strides in the workplace and beyond. Despite these advancements, women average only 73 cents for every $1 a man earns and receive about 50 percent less in pension income.
Would you consider climbing a mountain or sleeping in a tent in the Gobi Desert a vacation? More women are using their time off to go on adventure travel and do something out of their comfort zone.
Medical discussions are the norm when there’s one nurse at the table for Thanksgiving. But in the Shane family, there are eight of them passing the cranberries.