3 Ways to Spark Change and Get Results!

We all want to look and feel our optimal best—but often don’t know where to begin.

by Micheline Maloof, Sculpt Mode Fitness
Sculpt Mode
Sculpt Mode Fitness offers a six-week bootcamp program, Pilates classes, Yoga and personal training.

So you’re falling into a rut, both physically and mentally. Truth be told, you’re running around all day making sure everyone else is taken care of at work and at home—and you pause, just long enough to question why… Why are you last to give yourself an ounce of that precious TLC?

Well, you’re not alone. I repeat: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We all want to look and feel our optimal best—but often don’t know where to begin, or how to muster up the energy to take back control of our health. I became a fitness professional not only to help individuals take control of their health, but to provide the tools to be intentional and enjoy the journey. I want to share three tools that will provide you with longevity of health—and avoid the roller-coaster crash diets that are not the answer.

#1: Start With the Why
Determine your healthy “Why Statement” before you commit to a fitness experience or program. Our Why is the purpose: the cause or belief that drives every organization and every person. It is what inspires you to take action!

Maloof’s background in competitive dance was a stepping stone to her passion for fitness.

Throughout my years in the fitness industry, I’ve noticed a pattern. Clients who had an end goal or purpose for getting healthy achieved muscle tone and weight loss faster than those who work out because “it feels like the right thing to do.”

How do you determine your Why? First, get out a notebook and a pen. Your statement should be simple and clear; it should express affirmative language that resonates with you. Here’s an example of a healthy Why Statement: I aim to feel strong and confident and to inspire my family and friends to do the same.

Go ahead, take a moment to determine your Why Statement and write it down right now!

#2: Align With Your Why
If your Why includes feeling stronger, you may want to try a gym or program that emphasizes resistance training. If your Why incorporates improved flexibility and meditation, a yoga studio may be appropriate. Incorporate movement that best falls in line with your Why Statement and your workout will bring way more satisfaction!

When you attend a gym, studio or program, make note that you should first feel welcomed by the staff. Secondly, the workout should challenge you, but still put a smile on your face (once you’ve completed the workout, of course). Most importantly, you should want to come back and try the workout again!

#3: Create New Behavior Patterns (And Tell People!)
One mantra we reiterate to clients is that consistency and accountability will be the key to achieving their Why Statement. But you can’t achieve a goal without shaking things up, so where do you start? 

Begin by incorporating your workout schedule into your weekly family schedule. That way you and your family know when you are taking time to work out. Invite your spouse or a friend to share a Google calendar with you and include them in class/gym times. It’s always more fun to work out alongside someone you care about!

Lastly, tell friends and family about your new venture. The more people you tell, the more accountability you will have—and the more people you may motivate to do the same! PM

Micheline Maloof is the owner of Sculpt Mode Fitness and a NASM-certified personal trainer. Visit sculptmodefitness.com or call (309) 550-4940 for more information.