InterBusiness Issues - November 2001

Class of 2001 40 Leaders Under Forty

Every community must ask itself if it nurtures and develops a leadership culture - in its companies, its government, its social services, its events. In Peoria the answer is a resounding "YES!" InterBusiness Issues and 1470 WMBD News Radio have again uncovered 40 outstanding young leaders who make our community a better place in which to live and work.


From the Editor

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on our country, patriotism and pride is evident almost everywhere you turn, with flag-draped porches, lapel pins, window signs and car antenna adorned with the red, white and blue. The day after, at a point when Americans realized our land of the free would never be the same again, the citizens of this land craved reassurance. We desperately craved LEADERSHIP—and we got it.
Patrick Kirchhofer, Peoria County Farm Bureau
Sandra Birdsall, Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce
W. Michael Bryant, Methodist Medical Center
Dr. John Erwin, Illinois Central College
Dr. John Throop, The Summit Group
Daniel Baker, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
John Gibson, Employers' Association
Congressman Ray LaHood, 18th Congressional District
David Smith, Manpower Professional
Keith Arnold, Peoria Area Conventions and Visitor's Bureau