Central Illinois EDC Impact

Finding Regional Economic Success
The Economic Development Council for Central Illinois is now, and always has been, successfully working to build economic strength for the tri-County area. Our hard work makes an impact, and people notice. Proof of this is one of the largest crowds in our history at the annual meeting in June.
Our current record of success is not enough, however. The EDC wants to ensure we will be as beneficial to the community tomorrow as we are today. Our staff has the determination and skills to do the job, but we recognize the need for strategy as another key element in future success.

The EDC is embarking upon one of our most exciting endeavors yet—the formulation of a new strategic plan. A consultant is being selected to develop a strategic plan for the EDC, and for the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce. The consultant will work with both organizations to produce plans that complement each other. Once these strategic plans are completed, they will be provided to the Heartland Partnership, which will be simultaneously working on its own restructuring.

The idea behind these strategic plans is to determine how these organizations can best serve in the future. For the EDC, this involves determining how we can remain a primary catalyst in economic growth for the tri-County area.

We are here to market the area, and our efforts thus far have produced substantial economic growth. Now it is time to determine the best way to continue our mission.

Throughout the strategic planning process, emphasis will be placed on collaboration. The tri-County area has the good fortune to have business and industry support from a number of sources. The EDC recognizes that to best market the tri-County area, these sources must complement each other.

The success of this strategic plan is dependent upon a healthy distribution of viewpoints from throughout the tri-County area. Our goal is to build interest, input, and support from businesses and groups throughout the tri-County region. This collective effort will result in a true regional strategy.

This is an exciting time for the EDC. With an emphasis on collaboration and a tri-County focus, we look forward to this opportunity to renew our strategic plan, to improve and enlarge marketing for the tri-County area, and to move the central Illinois area into the next phase of economic growth. IBI