Michelle Hubble


Michelle Hubble serves as the managing director for the Peoria office of PricewaterhouseCoopers, and is responsible for providing audits and other assurance services to a broad base of clients. She specializes in multinational companies in the automotive, industrial products, agribusiness, and retail and consumer industries.

She manages all aspects of the Peoria office, overseeing the delivery of external audit services and managing teams that deliver a variety of assurance services and consultation on accounting matters. She also leads recruiting efforts at Illionois State University, Bradley University and Augustana College.

Hubble has consistently demonstrated the attributes of a high-performing professional throughout her 17 years with PwC. In 2000, she became the first female senior manager in charge of the global Caterpillar Inc. external audit. She demonstrates technical excellence with a focus on customer service and team leadership—one of her greatest strengths. She connects with her teams on a personal level and always seeks to identify ways in which individuals can advance their professional careers and personal lives.

A mother of two young children who successfully balances home and work life, Hubble is a role model for her team, and her efforts have been instrumental in supporting flexible work arrangements for other working mothers. In recognition of this, she received a PwC Chairman’s Award for outstanding coaching and leadership. She is also a member of PwC’s 2010 Staff Advisory Council.

Hubble believes strongly in the giving of her time, talent and treasure. She supports the PwC office in volunteering and fundraising efforts for organizations like Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity and the United Way, and has overseen the distribution of PwC donations to local charities for the past two years.

Hubble has served on the United Way’s finance committee for the past four years and has been a board member for the past two. She is active in her church, where she has chaired the Youth and Family Education committee, oversaw the development of a robust youth and family ministry, and led the Vacation Bible School program. She was recently nominated to serve on the Eureka College Board of Trustees and was recognized by Illinois State University as Alumni of the Month. iBi