Jennifer Daly

Morton Economic Development Council

Jennifer Daly serves as the executive director and chief executive officer of the Morton Economic Development Council and the Morton Chamber of Commerce. In this position, she leads both organizations and is responsible for ensuring that their missions are carried out on a daily basis. She has worked with the board of directors for both organizations to set strategy and policy directions, and her leadership has made a significant impact upon the Morton community.

Within one month of starting with the Morton EDC, Daly had drafted a strategic plan to establish six working committees that was adopted by the board with very little change. In that same time period, she developed relationships throughout central Illinois by working with other regional economic developers in Tazewell and Peoria counties. Whether working with one of her two boards, her staff or others in the community, Daly is able to look at issues and challenges and develop creative, practical solutions. She strives to represent her organizations with the highest level of quality and professionalism, and never expects more from others than she is willing to do herself. Under her direction, the Morton EDC was able to launch a new website, which won a 2009 Addy Award.

It is impossible to determine where Daly’s professional contributions end and her community service efforts begin. She is committed, not just to building a successful EDC, but to building a great community as well, and works with the Morton Community Foundation, Morton Unit School District and Morton Park District to accomplish this. She is an active member of the Morton Rotary Club and the Illinois Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives and the co-chair of the marketing committee of the Illinois Development Council. She is also a member of the National T.T.T. Society, a nonprofit philanthropic organization of women. In 2000, Daly was awarded the Press Citizen’s Person of the Year Award for her efforts with the Iowa Children’s Museum.

Daly’s enthusiasm for her job and family and her drive to better the community elicits the hard work of the organizations and volunteers with whom she works. She is a tremendous asset to our community. iBi