Living United in the Heart of Illinois

Every day, more than 1,100 people use one of the 112 Heart of Illinois United Way-funded programs at 45 partner agencies. This would not be possible without the generous support of the community. By uniting businesses, non-profits, government agencies and donors, the United Way can achieve results that cannot be achieved by a single donation.

A diverse group of more than 80 volunteers annually review applications for funding through a competitive grant process, making the United Way a leader in providing the best return on investment for the charitable dollar. Because of a comprehensive network of volunteers, we are able to identify critical community needs and work as a catalyst to solve them.

Because of the community’s generous support of the Heart of Illinois United Way campaign, we are able to secure resources that improve our quality of life and shape a positive future. We all win when a child succeeds in school and families are financially stable and healthy.

Did you know that the cost of basic food items has increased by about 20 percent in the last year, and food stamp usage in central Illinois is at an all-time high? But because of United Way-funded programs, more than 160,000 meals are provided annually to local residents.

Did you know that on any given day there are 315 homeless people in the Peoria area, and the average age of a homeless person is nine? Through United Way-funded programs that include shelters, job counseling, substance abuse care and prevention, mental health counseling, and childcare centers, families and individuals are becoming self-reliant every day.

Did you know that each year hundreds of people in central Illinois are affected by house fires, floods, tornadoes and other disasters? United Way-funded disaster programs assisted 450 people just last year with food, shelter, clothing and counseling.

Did you know that more than 95 percent of youth involved in after-school programs will not ever be associated with crime? The United Way funds many local after-school programs and summer camps that build self-esteem and encourage youth to make good choices.

Did you know that in central Illinois, 40 percent of children entering kindergarten are behind in their developmental goals? Each month, the Heart of Illinois United Way provides more than 2,500 at-risk pre-school children with new books while encouraging parental involvement that is critical to improving a child’s reading skills.

Underneath everything we are, underneath everything we do, we are all people—connected, interdependent, united. It is not about helping just one person at a time, but more about how, united, we can change systems that help us all. Teamwork is essential to our daily jobs, and the only way the Heart of Illinois United Way can make a difference in central Illinois is when you lend your partnership and support to our team. We invite you to live united. iBi