In the Blink of an Eye

by Jan Wright

Did you blink and find the summer to be nearly gone? That was my thought the other day when I realized that we were already at work on our fall issue!

It’s not exactly a revelation to point out that the passage of time speeds up the older you get. A quick Google search reveals that most attribute this phenomenon to one’s concept of time having changed: the older you get, the smaller a fraction of your lifetime each unit of time is. When you’re five years old, one year is 20 percent of your entire life—but at 50, it’s a mere two percent.

But at the moment, it’s still hot outside…and there are still a few weeks of summer to be savored. And whatever season it is, there are always plenty of ways to play in central Illinois.

Looking ahead to the fall, the calendar is filled with exciting happenings of all kinds. Creativity blossoms as event planners choreograph fundraisers, festivals, galas and more for the many worthy arts groups and nonprofit organizations around town.

One of these unique events was made possible by a connection between a local radiation oncologist, Dr. Jim McGee, and the Scottish Canadian tenor John McDermott. The fruits of that unlikely friendship will be on full display at the Spirit of Hope concert on September 20th. Turn to page 10 for a behind-the-scenes look!

Seven days earlier, another distinctive musical event will take place here in Peoria. On September 13th, we’ll pay tribute to the legacy of Peoria native Dan Fogelberg at the Fall Music Festival at Glen Oak Park (see page 28). It will be a fun-filled, family-friendly event featuring national acts, children’s activities and a tribute to Dan by a group of Peoria-area musicians, all in the beautiful amphitheater at Glen Oak Park! I’ll be there—I may even take your ticket—as art & society will co-sponsor the festival.

This issue, we showcase pampering possibilities for “man’s best friend.” While I love my daughter’s 13-year-old, gray-haired dachshund, which I’ve adopted since she left for college, it would be hard to “teach this old dog new tricks.” A short walk around the block is about all the exercise his body can handle…so the “dog day afternoon” will probably never happen for him. It can happen for your pet, though—see page 18.

I’ve taken the train to Chicago before and found it a no-hassle, relaxing way to escape to the big city for a few hours—or days. Even if you don’t feel rich enough to shop the stores on Michigan Avenue, you can certainly absorb the riches of music, art, culture and history—and get in some people-watching—on just a handful of “change.” (Turn to page 30.)

We’ve also provided some bits of information to share around the water cooler as we explored the supposed “haunts” of Peoria (see page 24). A few myths were debunked; other stories were not easily confirmed or disproved. Whether true or not, the stories are great, and the diversion was fun!

Last issue’s article on learning to golf encouraged me to sign up for beginner lessons. Perhaps something in this issue will encourage a reader to explore something new! A&S