According to a study by the Illinois Primary Health Care Association, 34 Illinois CHCs injected more than $370 million in operating expenditures into Illinois communities, resulting in an overall economic impact of more than $668 million. From 2003 to 2005, the amount of economic output to these CHCs’ communities alone increased by over $153 million (29.7 percent). In addition to the dramatic increase in economic output through operating expenditures, the 34 CHCs included in the sample provided direct full-time employment to 3,889 people in 2005, resulting in a payroll of more than $222 million. The indirect economic impact on health center communities in Illinois in 2005 was over $328 million in labor income and the equivalent of approximately 5,923 full time jobs supported.
Heartland Community Health Clinic operates linguistically and culturally responsive community health center sites in Peoria County. A community-based board of directors governs the organization. Its patients are medically under-served men, women and children that receive care regardless of their ability to pay. In addition to providing critically needed, high-quality, community-based care to low-income residents, Heartland Community Health Clinic provides training and employment opportunities for significant numbers of local residents, creating a foundation for local economic investment and stability.
Heartland Community Health Clinic injected $3.5 million of operating expenditures into the Peoria economy in 2005, resulting in an overall economic impact of $6.0 million. The economic impact on personal household income in the area was also substantial at $2.4 million. In addition to directly employing 34 full-time employees, Heartland Community Health Clinic indirectly created an estimated 19 full-time jobs as a result of its total operating expenditures, thus creating and/or sustaining approximately 53 full-time jobs. IBI