Investment Issues

Taxing Consequences of a Large IRA

At some point, you may come into a large sum of money or property as the beneficiary of a deceased IRA holder or from a distribution to you as a retirement plan participant. Understanding the tax consequences may prove helpful.

IRA Beneficiary
As an IRA beneficiary, you have several options:

• Take a lump-sum distribution of the IRA now. Lump sums from traditional IRAs generally are subject to income tax, except for the amount of nondeductible contributions made to the IRA, while Roth IRA distributions may be free from taxation.

• Surviving spouse beneficiaries may treat an IRA received as a beneficiary as his or her own and name new beneficiaries to “stretch” the IRA to subsequent generations.

• Non-spouse beneficiaries may take annual required minimum distributions over their own life expectancies and name a beneficiary to stretch their remaining IRA balance.

• Beneficiaries can withdraw the entire IRA balance at any time. Beneficiaries may take more than the minimum required amount from the IRA whenever they wish.

Retirement Plan Lump Sums
When the time comes to decide what to do with your distribution from an employer’s retirement plan, you may consider rolling the account balance into an IRA. You may have increased flexibility with your investment options and withdrawals. Be sure to initiative a direct rollover of these assets from your employer’s retirement plan, or mandatory withholding of 20 percent of the distribution may apply for income taxes.

For more information, contact your financial advisor or tax professional. IBI