Employee Bill of Rights Concept
A recent study by Performance Design Lab put together the concept that employees have a right to expect certain things, and businesses have the right to expect employees to be honest, innovative, accountable, and compassionate in carrying out their responsibilities.
This is our reality.
1. We’re in business. As a business, we must provide:
This is our reality.
1. We’re in business. As a business, we must provide:
- Value, or we’ll lose customers.
- A return to capital funders, or we’ll lose them and their investment.
2. We’ll also treat suppliers and employees well.
These are our expectations for operating effectively within our reality.
3. Our executives will:
- Set and communicate goals (sales, customer, supplier, employees) and strategies to achieve them.
- Develop a business plan; provide resources to implement the plan.
- Monitor performance against goals; manage the white space.
- Monitor the business environment and make necessary changes.
- Design an organization that will be an effective value chain for meeting customer needs.
- Design an organization that will have a management system, a structure, and reporting relationships that support the value chain.
- Design an organization that will provide clear, appropriate roles and responsibilities.
4. Our managers will:
- Make inputs and execute the plan.
- Know their businesses.
- Use effective processes to meet their goals; see that employees have clear goals and responsibilities, resources, and feedback to continually improve.
- Sustain a work environment free of discrimination, harassment, and counter-productive interdepartmental competition.
5. Our employees will:
- Have accurate, up-to-date information on goals, strategies, and progress of the business.
- Be clear on their roles, responsibilities, goals, and consequences of achieving or not achieving them.
- Be accountable for achieving assignments and goals.
- Receive resources; specific, objective, timely information on their performance and training; and management support to become competent performers.
How does your organization view its rights and the rights of its employees? IBI