Celebrating a Dynamic Community

by Jan Wright, Publisher

Healthcare is Greater Peoria’s largest employment sector, responsible for 16 percent of all area jobs. It enables the livelihood of nearly 30,000 people and their families—and it keeps us healthy and well, with convenient access to the latest tools, technologies and cutting-edge research.

Our region is a downstate medical powerhouse, encompassing two major hospital systems, a college of medicine and cancer research center, multiple schools for nursing, a high-tech simulation center, and much more. We are very fortunate to have such a dynamic medical community—it’s a significant blessing for our region. 

This would not be possible without the vision and foresight of past community leaders, the work and dedication of present-day leaders, and future leadership still to come. They include individuals like Larry Wallden, whose efforts for the local MS Council helped ensure that local dollars stay here in central Illinois—as well as Ed and Ann Rapp, whose generous gift to the OSF HealthCare Foundation last year will help many others suffering from neurodegenerative disorders. And they would be the first to acknowledge that it takes a village to make all of this happen.

Collaboration is another common theme in this issue. We see it in the combined efforts of public health departments across three counties, in a community-wide resolve to end homelessness, in the alignment of local organizations to improve the school district, and in joint efforts to create the Peoria Innovation Hub, just to name a few. The willingness to come together is part of what makes our region unique.

For 30 years, Peoria Magazines has celebrated this community spirit—and all of the individuals, businesses and organizations that push us forward and drive progress. Due to their efforts—because of you—the Greater Peoria region remains an attractive place to live, work and play.

To that end, we are currently working on a significant redesign of iBi—what amounts to an entirely new magazine—which brings together all of the elements that make our community great. We’ll keep the best of what you have come to expect from us, while expanding our reach and adding some new voices to the mix.

Have ideas? We appreciate your support and want your feedback! Send your thoughts to info@peoriamagazines.com. You are our partner in celebrating the best our community has to offer. iBi