iBi - June 2016

by Jonathan Wright

The transformation of downtown Peoria and the Warehouse District grows more tangible with each day.

New Space

“Give us the infrastructure and things will come.” As long-in-the-works projects in downtown Peoria and the Warehouse District come to life, developer Pat Sullivan’s words ring ever truer.

Anchors Away...

by Stevie Zvereva

Adaptation, evolution and the reimagining of empty retail space

Revitalizing the Heights

by Matt Fick, Village of Peoria Heights
Photography by Chris Chandler

A new plan is set to create a roadmap for future development in Peoria Heights.

A Community Investment

by Jonathan Wright

A new resource center aims to boost business development and economic opportunity on Peoria’s south side.

The State of Construction

by Clint Drury
West Central Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council

An investment in our infrastructure and skilled workforce is an investment in the future of our region.

New Rental Units in the Downtown

by Michael J. Freilinger
Downtown Development Corporation of Peoria

Nearly 150 new rental units will soon come online in downtown Peoria and the Warehouse District.

The Armstrong Project

by Mike Van Cleve

Not far from Bradley’s campus, my wife and I bought a commercial building in an area most of Peoria might never think to travel.


Meeting of the Minds

by Dr. Lori Russell-Chapin
College of Education and Health Sciences, Bradley University