iBi - October 2013

Where Art Meets Business
by Jonathan Wright
Photography by David Vernon with additional research and input from Reema Abi-Akar

The Sunbeam Building is a showcase for how business and the arts can work together to breathe life into a neighborhood… and a community.

A Q&A With Barry Cloyd

Photography by Greg Balzell

The Peoria-based singer/songwriter/storyteller/multi-instrumentalist has spent the past 14 years traveling the world, making music, building a successful arts career, and loving life while doing it all.

Copyright and the Artist

by Jonathan LA Phillips
Shay Kepple Phillips, Ltd.

The rights of artists are enshrined directly in the Constitution itself. 

Twice Awakened

by Doug and Eileen Leunig

By leveraging the arts, we can stimulate creativity in our children and better prepare them with 21st-century job skills.

STEAMIE: Start Something Today

by Amy Lambert
Startup Peoria

An emerging spin on STEM learning arms students with the skills to apply their knowledge more creatively in today’s entrepreneurial world.

Management as Performing Art

by Dr. Aaron Buchko
Bradley University

We must expand our understanding by seeing management as a daily performance—with a script that is constantly changing.

Art Works!

by Sharon Amdall

Art works to improve education, drive creativity in the workplace, bolster the economy, and enrich communities.

The Arts and Business

by Duffy Armstrong
Arts Alliance Illinois

Both nationally and statewide, there is a growing recognition that arts education is essential to society.


Every Tombstone Tells a Tale

by Lori Beckham

The Historic Springdale Cemetery Tour is approaching… a walking excursion into Peoria’s notable place of rest, where the dead rise once a year to tell tales to the living.