iBi - August 2009

Reflecting on a Milestone

Jan Wright

Funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same. In 1989, when this magazine was founded on the heels of a recession, many pessimists thought the lights would go out in Peoria. Yet not only did we survive--we prospered.


It has been an interesting time to start a new business news publication. Reagonomics is gone. The Bush administration is a half-year old, struggling with inherited crisis in the twin deficits, Social Security, savings and loan industry, healthcare industry, etc. etc, while trying to maintain an expanding economy which is certainly heading for some kind of landing, soft, hard or otherwise.


The 1980s have brought some of the worst and some of the best to our city. We're seeing some corporate expansion, some new companies, office buildings, shopping centers, motels and restaurants. Economic recovery is a long process, and there are many questions to be answered as we enter 1990.


The small business owner in central Illinois, concerned about recession, can sometimes feel he is at the mercy of numerous factors beyond his control, and it can be frustrating. A recession in Brazil can affect him through a resultant production slowdown at Caterpillar. The threat of trouble in UAW/Caterpillar contract negotiations can cause his profits to dry up.


"We have developed an image...which suggests that there are problems in labor-management relations in Peoria. In reality, labor-management relations in Peoria over the last 10 years have been relatively positive. The creation of the Peoria Area Labor Management Council (PALM) has helped to accomplish that."


Fears are that the retirement of 18th District Rep. Bob Michel after 1994 could see central Illinois take a hit insofar as its clout in the nation's capitol. Community and business leaders acknowledge that it will be difficult to adjust to the idea of not having a local congressman as a major player in Washington.

Tribute Interview with David C. Wright

What follows are excerpts from an interview with the late David C. Wright, co-founder of this magazine, who battled leukemia for nearly a year before passing away on June 4, 1997. Over the years, readers, colleagues and friends had asked how he began the publications, and he asked me to share this story with readers should he not make it back to work.


"The biggest challenge, by far, faced by [Caterpillar] and U.S. industry in general, is that of a whole new economy developing...and now it's a global economy."


The success stories of Peoria real estate development got another shot in the arm courtesy of U.S. News & World Report when the national magazine named Peoria the sixth-hottest housing market in the nation in its April 10th issue.


Another major development for Peoria's riverfront was recently announced. David Bielfeldt plans to renovate the city-owned Foster & Gallagher building, converting the vacant factory building into loft condominiums.


"I am truly excited about being able to serve Peoria as the next mayor. Peoria has both breathtaking possibilities and gut-wrenching problems as we enter the 21st century."
-Bud Grieves, City of Peoria Mayor-Elect


The Peoria City Council gave its approval to the riverfront's largest project yet, a sports and health complex that, according to one official, "will draw the nation's attention."


98 months and counting. That's how long the U.S. economy has been growing...Most economic observers have concluded that the country will set an expansion record by early next year.


Those of us brought up to value things like quality, reliability, consistency and efficiency had a difficult time with the brash, quick-to-prosper impatience of those who endorsed this new high-tech economy.


Perhaps at no other time have national and local events converged to shatter our sense of well-being and security.


Lakeview Museum, in cooperation with the Museum Collaboration Group and the Peoria Historical Society, is beginning a study of possible sites for the proposed downtown/riverfront museum


Peoria's Main Street, once known as Auto Row, may soon be viewed as Biotech Boulevard, thanks to the Peoria NEXT collaborative.


Peoria District 150 School Board Member Aaron Schock announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for 92nd District State Representative.


Caterpillar Inc. reported record 2004 sales and revenues of $30.25 billion and record profit of $2.03 billion or $5.75 per share, up 85 percent from one year ago.


OSF Saint Francis Medical Center and Children's Hospital of Illinois announced a $234 million expansion project, the Milestone Project.


Caterpillar Inc. hosted President George W. Bush at the company's manufacturing facility in East Peoria in January.


Welcome to 2008--a year which, I think it is safe to say, will be a pivotal one for our nation.


Central Illinois has put together all of the ingredients to harness innovation on a large scale.

Groceries at Your Doorstep

The last thing you want to do after a full day of work is spend another hour roaming the aisles of a grocery store. Instead, log on to your computer or make a phone call during your lunch break to order groceries that will end up at your doorstep.