Chamber Issues

Great Network Opportunities
Each month, businesspersons in the Peoria area are given the opportunity to learn more about what’s going on in the community—and to obtain information which may be useful in their businesses—from local business, community and government leaders.

The event is the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Business Breakfast Series, which takes place once a month.

Tickets may be purchased for the entire series for $125 for Chamber members, $200 for non-members, or individually for $25, $35 for non-members.

The event is at Barrack’s Cater Inn and begins with breakfast and conversation at 7:30 a.m., followed by the program, which ends promptly at 9 a.m.

Along with the topic and speaker scheduled for each program, the event is a great opportunity to network with other business representatives.

The kick-off program for this year takes place September 12 and features the important economic development initiative, which can mean so much to Peoria.

The first in the series, Regional Biotechnology Strategy—A Community Collaborative Research Initiative, is presented by Dr. Donald Rager, dean of the University of Illinois School of Medicine at Peoria; Dr. Richard Lister, associate dean of the University of Illinois School of Medicine at Peoria; and Dr. Walter Plosila, vice president public technology management, technology partnership practice at the The Battelle Memorial Institute.

The Battelle Institute recently completed a significant study on the potential of developing the Peoria area into a biotech research center, and the recommendations from that study will be presented at the meeting.

The remaining programs for the Business Breakfast Series include:
  • October 3, 2001—Continuous Quality Improvements: Applying Six-sigma principles in your community—Sid Banwart, Caterpillar Inc.

  • November 7, 2001—National Issues, Local Affairs: A Washington Update from Congressman Ray LaHood.

  • December 5, 2001—Community Colleges—A Promise in Return—Dr. John Erwin, Illinois Central College.

  • January 9, 2002—Rollin’ on the River: Progress for Development Along the Riverfront—James Vergon, Riverfront Business District Commission.

  • February 6, 2002—The Leader Rebound—How leaders deal with the test of adversity in the workplace, Dr. Charles Stoner, Bradley University.

  • March 6, 2002—I-74 Update—How do I get there from here? What’s your route? Roger Miller, IDOT.

  • April 3, 2002—To be determined. This date is left open for the issues significant at the time of the program.

  • May 1, 2002—City/County Update—Mayor David Ransburg and Peoria County Board Chairman David Williams. IBI