Take 10

Dave Snell

You may recognize his face from his many years as sports director at WMBD-TV. You may know him as the "Voice of the Braves," but did you know that Dave Snell hates asparagus? As director of constituent relations at Bradley University, he works closely with the development office, alumni and President Joanne Glasser. Read on to learn 10 fun facts about this Bradley alum, who recently completed his 30th year of broadcasting Bradley basketball on WMBD.


  1. The person who's had the greatest impact on my life... My late grandmother, Sue Reid. Intelligent, street-smart, loving and had an incredible sense of humor. I miss her every day.
  2. Nobody in my office knows... I actually am a very quiet person. Most think I am always "on" due to my speaking and radio work, but the true me is very reserved.
  3. What's your idea of perfect happiness? The peace of knowing where you are going after your days on earth are complete. To have family and friends who love you and you them. To have a pet or pets who loves you unconditionally. To labor at a place that is not work, but a privilege.
  4. Words to live by: From Les Miserables, "To love another person is to see the face of God." Treat others as you would want to be treated. When the Lord closes a door, in some way he opens a window. Pray for those who have mistreated you.
  5. Who are your heroes in real life? Those who have served our country to protect our freedom. Harry Caray, Jack Buck, Mort Cantor, Gene Pacyga and Gene Robinson.
  6. What was your childhood dream job? To be the play-by-play announcer for the St. Louis Cardinals.
  7. Most embarrassing moment: Both on television: changed the first letters around on the names "Gordon Johncock" and "Kiss the Pig."
  8. What social issues fire you up? Using animals for laboratory experiments. Welfare fraud. Government bailouts.
  9. Do you collect anything unique? Posters. Bobblehead dolls. Beatles collectables.
  10. What are your quirky habits? I must nap an hour before every Bradley broadcast. I scratch my head a lot. a&s