Golda Ewalt, MS, RD, LD, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center’s Director of Dietetic Internship Program, is responsible for managing the 10 dietetic interns OSF Saint Francis employs each year. She coordinates their education and experience while working in various areas of the hospital, including clinical, counseling, wellness, food service and community.
Over the past two decades, the roles of women have evolved dramatically. Though the gender gap is still very real, it is less of an issue now than it was 20 years ago.
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing
As the population ages and chronic diseases become more prevalent in Illinois and across the nation, the shortage of nurses is expected to become more acute in the future.
If the adolescent or young adult confines his/her experimentation and use of developing skills only to the cyberworld, he/she isolates him/herself from human contact and truly learning the skills necessary to thrive in the real world.
Arthritis is a progressive disease, meaning the disease itself has the tendency to worsen over time. But that rate of progression varies greatly among individuals.
Cosmetic radio-surgery uses ultra-high-frequency radio waves, allowing a physician to remove unwanted spider veins, provide scarless mole removal and eliminate skin tags, leaving you with a more uniform and flawless skin tone.
Every investor wants to identify attractive investment opportunities. If you are like many investors, you may also want to help protect the environment.
Fortunately, today’s technology makes it possible—and affordable—for small business owners to manage their cash flow the same way large companies have for decades—online and on time.