Surviving Colic: Coping Tips That May End the Tears

by Tammy Pinarbasi
Colic is essentially uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby. It can come as early as two weeks and last as long as three months. Typically, they’ll cry for hours at a time and may do this a few times a week. If your baby is crying like this and appears ill, of course seek medical attention. If you think your baby has colic, but you’re worried or aren’t sure, don’t hesitate to seek a diagnosis.

Crying is the only way a baby has to communicate, and it doesn’t always mean colic. If your child is hungry or tired, this can definitely produce a crying baby. Check to see if your baby is comfortable. Take into consideration your baby’s personality; some babies just like to be held. If all else fails, there’s a chance it’s colic. Again, if you’re concerned, seek professional advice.

Colic is stressful on you and baby, but thankfully, it doesn’t last forever. Dealing with a colicky baby can be a true test of your physical stamina and emotional stability. I was lucky enough to endure it twice. At times, I felt like I was going to begin crying uncontrollably myself.

There’s no medically proven treatment to cure colic, but there are things that can be done to treat the symptoms of colic and to help console your child. No two babies are the same, and it may take trying several things before you find what comforts your baby. Sometimes, infants with colic will experience gas symptoms, which can cause tummy pain. Some physicians recommend using infant gas drops. They’re non-prescription and can be purchased over the counter. A common brand is Mylicon, but many major retailers or drug stores have a store brand that’s more affordable. I used it with both of my colicky babies and did see some benefit. Keep in mind, however, that it only helps the gas symptoms; your child still may keep crying. Before giving your baby any kind of medicine, you should consult their physician first for proper dosing instructions.

While there’s no proven cause for colic, some suggest that for bottle-fed babies, the formula can be the cause. Your physician may suggest changing formulas. Some infants exhibit a sensitivity to the proteins in cow’s milk similar to a food allergy. Sometimes the physician will replace the baby’s formula with a soy formula or a hypoallergenic formula. I used the hypoallergenic formula for my second colicky baby, and it worked wonders. Within days, I noticed a dramatic change in the crying, and he had less gas and fewer bowel movements. He’s done so well with this particular formula that we still use it. The down side to the hypoallergenic formula is they’re quite costly. Keep in mind you should never change your baby’s formula unless under the direction of the doctor.

Aside from the medical interventions, here are some things you can do as a parent to try and comfort your little one:
• Burp them often during feedings.
• Wrap them snugly in a blanket.
• Make use of a swing.
• A relaxing bath if they enjoy bath time.
• A car or stroller ride.
• Vibration or sound from a washer or dryer.
• Rocking them.
• Pacifiers.

As I mentioned, it may take several tries to find something that works for your baby, so be patient and don’t give up. Besides the stress colic puts on a baby, it can be just as bad for the parents. Frustration can set in, but remember that your baby can sense these feelings, and it could make the crying worse. Don’t take the crying personally. The crying isn’t the result of something you’re doing. During this time, you need to take breaks. Mom and dad can switch off taking care of the baby. Utilize friends and family. You need to take time away and enjoy a bit of quiet time.

Remember, this won’t last forever and, before long, you’ll have your bright-eyed, smiling baby back again. TPW