
I’m often asked questions about chiropractic care. There are still a lot of people who aren’t sure if it’s right for them. Should it be used to increase your level of health or just to remove a particular symptom? Actually, chiropractic care can be helpful in many ways. Below, I’ve listed some of the most common questions people ask chiropractors.

What causes the sound of an adjustment? Actually, not all adjusting techniques produce the sound associated with "popping knuckles." Some create no sound at all and some a little. Many techniques, however, do create the sound of a spinal "release." What causes it? A British research team that took X-ray movies of people "popping" their knuckles may have solved the mystery. The sound appeared to be caused by gas rushing in to fill the partial vacuum created when the joints were slightly separated.

Is it bad to "crack " your neck or back a lot? The desire to pop the neck or back is caused by tension from a jammed or fixated vertebra, which causes another part of the spine to compensate by moving too much and "popping" a lot. The jammed part should be adjusted by a chiropractor so the rest of the spinal column will balance and stop being so movable and noisy.

So I’m not "adjusting" myself? Cracking or popping your neck gives relief for a while, but soon the urge to pop or crack reappears because the cause of the spinal tension hasn’t been corrected.

Can I tell if I have a subluxation without consulting a chiropractor? Sometimes you can. Subluxations don’t always correlate with pain. A similar example would be a cavity. You may not know you have a cavity until you go to the dentist, and if you wait until you know you have a cavity, there could be a bigger problem than just filling a tooth. The same applies to subluxation. Waiting until there’s pain-or until you can’t stand the pain anymore-could mean longer recovery times for both your body and your bank account.

At what age should chiropractic begin? Chiropractic care should begin when there’s a subluxation, regardless of the person’s age. The birthing process can be very traumatic to a newborn’s spine and may cause subluxation. What we must understand is there’s a very big difference in the adjusting techniques used on infants and adults.

Can I go only once? Yes, you can. The benefits of regular visits are too numerous to mention here, but regular care can help you feel better and also help increase your energy levels. But it’s your body, and you’re the one who decides if you only want to go once. TPW