The Peoria Woman - March 2004

Andrea Parker is director of health for the Peoria City/County Health Department, where she provides oversight of approximately 140 employees and a $9 million annual operating budget. Here she chats with The Peoria Woman about her own path in healthcare and issues she has dealt with throughout her career.

Lead Story

Women & Money: What You Need to Know Today
by Tori Phelps
Between women’s emergence as a primary wage earner and new technology that can be used for criminal purposes, knowing your money inside and out-and how to protect yourself against potential pitfalls-is critical.

Peoria Profile

Jennifer Hoppe: The Home Plate
For some women, cooking is a have-to. For Jennifer Hoppe, it’s something she could never get enough of, which is what finally convinced her to pursue catering as her career.
Tori Phelps, The Peoria Woman Editor
Dr. Tony Fry, Peoria Chiropractical Center
Voni Flaherty, The Commerce Trust Company
Leslie Halcomb, Shear Country Salon
Mary Sandy, Wellington's Kitchen Galleries

From the Editor

Choices are Good
"Where Are the Women?" was a recent Fast Company cover headline. Intrigued by the question, I assumed it would be another article expressing gender bias in the boardroom. It was, but it cited more realistic reasons for the fewer numbers of women at the top of their organizations.