The Peoria Woman - September 2001

Meredith Bunch is currently serving as vice president of Midstate College, after working as an instructor and director of Enrollment Management at the college. She talks about the history of the school, working with area employers, traveling to Russia, and more.


From the Editor

Life Rewritten

I wish I’d had the chance to meet the late Katherine Graham, head of the Washington Post Company. As my world mostly revolves around central Illinois, not Washington, D.C., I hardly recognized her name when her death was recently reported. I became intrigued with Katharine’s life, however, as I read about her, listened to friends and reporters share their experiences and impressions of her, then watched her funeral on CNN.

Peoria Profile

Mary Dempster, Caterpillar University
by Tori Phelps
She’s been with the same company for 38 years, but it’s still been a wild ride. Since 1963 Mary Dempster has moved around Caterpillar, and has found her professional true love in her current position with Caterpillar University.
Victoria Mitchell, The Antioch Group
Mary Sandy, Wellington's Kitchen Galleries
Jeanne Buysee, American Family Insurance