An Interview with Dr. Patricia Slininger

Dr. Patricia Slininger obtained her BA in chemistry from Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., her MS in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota, and her Ph.D. in biochemical engineering from Purdue University. She began her career with the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research in Peoria in February 1980.Early in her career with the ARS, Dr. Slininger became internationally recognized for her work that opened up a new field of research aimed at developing a yeast-based fermentation of renewable plant-derived pentose sugars to ethanol, a process key to the early development of the commercial biofuels industry.Prior to her work, it was generally thought that all yeasts were incapable of a significant conversion of pentose sugars to ethanol.Her recognition further broadened in the area of renewable resource utilization as she patented the microbial conversion of renewable glycerine to an acrylic acid precursor that can serve as a building block for plastics, paints, and may other products historically derived from dwindling petroleum reserves.Dr. Slininger currently leads a research team which integrates biochemical engineering, microbiology, plant pathology, and natural products chemistry expertise’s to advance the mass production and formulation of bacteria for the biological control of root and tuber disease.Biocontrol agents, composed of microbes naturally present in association with host crops, can be effective antagonists of agricultural pests and offer an alternative to chemical control methods. However, the lack of strategies needed for developing large-scale processes for biological control products is a major bottleneck to their commercial use. Pioneering approaches to biocontrol agent isolation, selection, production, and formulation taken by Dr. Slininger and her research team are yielding new fundamental guidelines for biocontrol agent development which are internationally recognized and expected to speed commercialization of future products for root and tuber disease control. Dr. Slininger’s research in the biochemical engineering area has been documented in more than 44 presentations at international meetings and workshops, and 46 technical publications, including four issued U.S. patents.

Tell us about your background, schools, family, etc.

I was born in Monmouth, Ill., to John and Maxine Watson of Preemption, Ill..  I have a younger sister and three brothers (one older).

We grew up in Preemption, which is a small farming community near the Quad Cities.  We took pride in our early consolidated school system, Sherrard Community District 200, where I attended elementary and high schools.

After graduating from high school, Augustana College in nearby Rock Island, Illinois was my home base for the next four years.  During these years, I grew by leaps and bounds, academically, socially, and emotionally.

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire educational experience I received, and the people I met there.

Undeniably I took away much more than a bachelor of arts degree in chemistry and the honors that came with it—I also found independence, self-confidence, early exposure to the research profession, and friendships (future husband among them).

There was a new chapter opening up in my life ahead, and I looked forward to moving to Minneapolis and attending the University of Minnesota where I would continue my education and growth the next two years to earn a master of science degree in chemical engineering.

I recall many long days and late nights spent pouring over the text books or research experiments in the lab, helping hoards of freshman make it through general chemistry, and riding the bus with friend’s downtown once in awhile on Friday or Saturday night to “hit the high spots.”

After graduating from the University of Minnesota, I married my husband, Edward, and began a research career with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service at the Northern Regional Research Center in Peoria, recently renamed National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research.

After working for three years at the USDA lab, I returned to school at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., and finished course work for a doctor of philosophy degree in biochemical engineering.

When did you decide to become a research chemist?

As an undergraduate at Augustana College I had the opportunity to help a chemistry professor with a summer research project.

I worked on the project during two summers, and enjoyed the experience so much I decided to pursue a career in research.

The shift from chemistry to chemical engineering came as a result of my combined interests in mathematics, biochemical processes, and biological process design.

Do you/did you have a mentor or someone who encouraged you to go into that field?

The chemistry professor who hired me as a summer research assistant at Augustana always encouraged me to go into research.

The chairman of the chemistry department had obtained his master’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota, and so as my academic advisor he naturally suggested that I look into that school for an advanced degree in chemical engineering.  I followed their advice.

What projects have you been involved in during your career?

I have been involved in a variety of projects aimed at developing new biologically-based (as opposed to chemically-based) processes.

They include: yeast-based ethanol production from renewable plant-derived pentose’s; immobilization methods for enzymes and cells allowing them to be continuously recycled and reused; the microbial conversion allowing conversion of glycerine to a building block chemical useful in the synthesis of plastics, paints and other acrylic-based products; flourescens-based sensors for monitoring biological processes; and recently, the mass production and formulation of natural biological alternatives to chemical pesticides.

Working so many hours, how have you managed to juggle career and family?

My husband and I have two daughters, Lucy (12) and Mary (9).  Keeping up with school, church, and all of the extracurricular activities takes a tremendous amount of time.  My husband and I both share equally in this responsibility.

Since research work is not restricted to the traditional nine to five workday, the flexibility of my work schedule had often been helpful in coordinating everyone’s schedules.  Sometimes I go to work early in the morning or stay late at night, or occasionally I work on the weekend.

We were fortunate to have had good daycare center to look after the children during preschool years.  More recently, private caregivers and organized latchkey providers have taken care of the children before and after school.

Knowing that the children are well cared for lets us focus on our jobs while at work.  The job needs to come first during the work hours, but the family is first otherwise, with a few exceptions.

Are you a minority in your field of research?  Have you ever experienced any gender bias in your career?

There are still substantially fewer women entering graduate school in chemical engineering.  Twenty years ago, there were only three women out of about 40 students entering the graduate program when I did. 

Today we might see around three times this number, but the graduate programs in this field are still male dominated.  Within the laboratory in Peoria, the percentage of female research scientists is also low, around 10 percent.

With the ratio of women to men so unequal, gender bias is pretty hard to eliminate completely.

What one thing would you most like to research, find a cure for, discover, etc.?

In natural ecosystems, there are beneficial microflora which inhabit plants and function to prevent diseases by secreting antibiotics and/or by competitively devouring available nutrients that could entice pathogen invasion.  My research currently focuses on developing new technologies that will allow us to cultivate and apply beneficial microbes to control diseases of agricultural crops, and reduce losses suffered by growers.

I find this to be a very fascinating and challenging research problem.  New technologies developed for commercial use will help reduce our dependence on the use of traditional agri-chemicals which threaten our environment and safety.

What are the constraints on research progress in government laboratories and technology transfer to the private sector?

NCAUR is charged with solving technological problems to promote the utilization of our agricultural products.  I think our main constraint to progress is having to “wear too many hats” so to speak.

In order to conduct the research necessary to find timely solutions, it is necessary to have sufficient people and money dedicated to each problem.  There are many interest groups that lobby Congress and push for the appropriation of funds to support research that serves their constituents.

For political reasons, we often are presented with more “high priority” problems to solve than can be handled by the number of staff and the amount of money available.

This dilemma intensifies when the political winds of change shift abruptly in response to national agricultural crises.  When this happens, we are often charged with a new research problem to tackle in addition to the ones we already have.

Even if additional money is provided, it’s often insufficient to cover the expenses of the new research project necessary, so people and money are spread even thinner.

Sometimes projects in progress must be delayed or curtailed before they are brought to completion.  Once we do discover new technologies, we are faced with the additional job of transferring them to the private sector for commercial development.

Often times this is difficult to accomplish because of the amount of developmental research required.  Even the investment in studies to determine if the new technology can currently be used economically id often substantial.

Industry is often hesitant to get involved with a risky investment, and our funding and expertise are often insufficient to accomplish the needed development.

More money would help, especially if appropriated to the area of commercial development, but attention to the focus of the research projects is also needed.

How would you encourage a woman to enter the scientific field?

I’d recommend taking all the science and math courses available in the high school curriculum, and then enrolling in a college that has a broad science curriculum and a good reputation.  The more education, the more options available for career advancement.

Try to get early exposure to research practices and laboratory techniques as a laboratory assistant—to help confirm what your primary career interests are and perhaps find a mentor who can help along the way.

For example, at the lab in Peoria we hire a number of undergraduates to work as lab assistants during the summer months.

Students in the science fields can often find jobs as lab assistants to help support themselves while at the university.

Many graduate students in science fields are able to totally support themselves through teaching and research assistantships, and sometimes through educational fellowships.  There are many aspects of science to pursue, and a large part of the challenge will be to find your niche, keep goals in focus, and persevere.

Do you feel girls are short-changed in the areas of math and science in grade and high school compared to boys?

I never felt I was short changed relative to boys, and so far as I can tell, I don’t think my girls are either, at least not by teachers of the school system.

I think parents have the first and greatest influence over how children perceive their own capabilities and options in life.

I felt lucky to have had parents (and grandparents) who always encouraged me in anything I was interested in pursuing.

For example, my dad is skilled in electronics, and he enjoyed teaching me and my brothers about some of the principles of electricity long before they came up in our classes at school.

My paternal grandfather was a carpenter and machinist, and I intently watched him design and make things.  My maternal grandmother owned a farm (later passed to my parents), and that was a great place to explore.

My mother, grandmother, and great aunt were all elementary school teachers, and they always talked about the importance of understanding math and science.

As early as fourth grade, I remember being very interested in math and science, especially biology, and I never received anything but encouragement from my teachers.

How has the research process changed over the years?

During my more than 20 years in research, many new laboratory tools and techniques have evolved to make research more efficient, precise, accurate, and in some cases, enabled studies never before possible.

The computer age has been instrumental in changing the way we gather data, vastly increasing the amount of data that can be collected and processed in a given time.

The ability to instantaneously communicate research news and findings across the nation, and the world, is incredible.  The availability of immense amounts of information now challenges our ability to retrieve, assimilate, and use it.

Do you believe we will see cures in our lifetime for some of today’s illnesses facing women—cancer, HIV, MS, etc?

Probably, but I don’t know the area well enough to venture any good predictions on what or when.

What frustrates you the most in your work?  What brings you the most satisfaction?

Job politics, undue bureaucracy, and listening to people dwell on all of the things that are wrong or unfair with the work environment are the most frustrating.  Too much of any of these becomes very detrimental to morale and progress.

Successes in discovering new, useful technologies are very satisfying and generally outweigh the frustrations.  

What do you do in your leisure time?

I enjoy spending time with my family, but when they’re busy doing other things, my primary hobby is gardening, and I like to spend time reading, planting the gardens, and working in the yard.  I also believe in maintaining a regular aerobic exercise program to clear the mind, maintain the body strength, lower stress, and prolong good health.

I’m a believer in “What you don’t use, you lose.”

What part of your job brings you the most satisfaction?

I like research because its great fun to learn something new that nobody else knows, and to use science, and a little creativity, to find new ways of solving important problems.  TPW