Ashley Rebekah Spain

Midstate College

Ashley Rebekah Spain is the director of marketing and enrollment at Midstate College, a private, four-year institution of higher education that has been part of the Peoria-area community for 124 years. Among her duties, she is responsible for managing the college’s admissions team, overseeing its marketing budget and branding initiatives, and establishing and meeting its enrollment goals.

Since her arrival at Midstate, Spain has consistently demonstrated her exemplary leadership and management talents. Originally hired to manage the college’s marketing activities, she quickly went to work to improve its visibility through targeted outreach to likely students. Under her leadership, enrollments have increased significantly, a trend expected to continue for years to come.

A committed volunteer, Spain is a past recipient of the Junior League of Peoria’s Julep Gem award for exceptional community service. She serves as the vice chair for Peoria Production Shop, a nonprofit, self-supported organization that employs disabled individuals in manufacturing support jobs. She is a member of the Dress For Success Peoria Board of Directors and Leadership Advisory Council for the Power of Play campaign, a collaboration between the Junior League and Peoria Zoological Society to build the Peoria Playhouse children’s museum and expand the Peoria Zoo at Glen Oak Park.

Spain is a member of the Young Professionals Organization of Greater Peoria and Peoria Riverfront Association, a graduate of the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce Community Leadership School, marketing chair for the Public Relations Association of Central Illinois, and a public information officer for Peoria County. She also finds time to coordinate marketing activities for Elevated Attitudes, a startup organization that recognizes acts of kindness in our communities and encourages recipients to share their stories and pay forward good deeds of their own.

An avid runner, Spain enjoys participating in St. Jude running events and other competitive races in her free time, from 10Ks and 15Ks to half-marathons. She is a dynamic, energetic leader who consistently demonstrates a broad array of talents not typically seen in other young executives. iBi