Busy Managing a Household? We Make House Calls

Women are consummate jugglers. Whether it’s managing a household, a career or children; taking care of elderly parents; volunteering or all of the above, somehow everything gets done—even if it means sacrificing a little sleep. With all of these things to do, who has time to think about money matters, especially if your financial picture is complex? This is where private bankers come in. With a private banker by your side, you’ll have a partner dedicated to maximizing the value of your assets and making the most of every dollar.

What Will a Private Banker Do for Me?

Let’s face it—you’re hard to pin down because you’re always on the go. Your private banker understands this and is happy to meet with you wherever it’s most convenient. Our goal is to provide you with personal service you can rely on—whether it’s at the bank, your home or your office. We’re very proud to say that we make house calls! (But we don’t do windows!)

Provide Knowledge

As private bankers, we have a level of knowledge beyond that of most bankers, which means we will look beyond standard solutions to meet your needs. As life goes on, your fi nancial picture is constantly changing. That’s why we believe you are best served with solutions created for your needs, not someone else’s. After all, the situations and opportunities affecting you are unique, right?

Provide Research and Suggest Solutions

In addition, the complexity of your financial circumstances may require solutions that, like a fine wine, include a careful blend of several elements. Private bankers can assist you in every area of your financial picture:

  • Deposit, credit and other banking services
  • Estate planning, charitable giving, long-term financial planning, retirement planning, business valuation and succession
  • Professional investment management, property management, alternative investments and brokerage accounts
  • Trust administration, charitable trusts and personal services consulting.

Since the different aspects of your financial life really do impact each other, a positive change in one area can negatively affect another. By coordinating your approach and focusing on maximizing your total wealth, your private banker can ensure that every element of your wealth management program works like a well-oiled machine.

Make Your Life Easier

You’re busy. As private bankers, we understand that. Let us take the fi nancial monkey off your back so you can pursue and enjoy the things that are most important to you. Private bankers not only help you maximize your wealth—they help maximize your time too. TPW