Dr. Nizar Merheb, Facial Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Center
- A “double chin.” This occurs when excess fat accumulates in the neck with good skin tone. This usually is either hereditary or present in the younger individual.
- “Turkey waddle” look. This happens when the neck muscles separate in addition to fat accumulation.
- Exaggerated aging neck. This occurs when there is excess fat accumulation, hanging muscles as well as poor skin tone. This is seen in the older individual.
Neck rejuvenation can provide a dramatic improvement in one’s profile and is often combined with other procedures.
How is the procedure done?
A neck lift is usually tailored to each individual, depending on the specific problem and the goals one is trying to achieve. It may be combined with a facelift or even chin implant when a weak chin is present. It is performed in an outpatient setting under local or general anesthesia. It involves a small incision under the chin. Often the procedure begins with neck liposuction (removing excessive fat), followed by tightening of the neck muscles. The result is a more defined neck contour and a younger, more attractive profile.
How will you look after surgery?
Patients wear a head dressing for 24 hours only. Afterwards, the head dressing is worn at night only for five to seven days. Sutures are removed on day five. Swelling usually resolves within five to seven days. Faint bruising may persist beyond one week but can be easily covered by makeup or an appropriate shirt. Minimal discomfort can be expected following the procedure, which can be controlled with medications prescribed by your surgeon.
In summary, people are very sensitive to their facial profiles. A neck lift can positively affect one’s confidence and body image. Often times men and women who have undergone the procedure are thought to have “lost a lot of weight” or “toned up” rather than having had surgery. TPW