The Peoria Woman - April 1998

Bettsey Barhost was born and raised in St. Louis, Mo. She completed her bachelor’s degree in speech and drama at Fontbonne College, taught fourth grade for a semester, them married her college sweetheart Alan. They moved to Peoria when Alan was hired by Caterpillar Inc. Barhost taught at St. Thomas Grade School, and later at Richwoods High School. She joined the Illinois Central College (ICC) faculty in 1971 as a part-time speech instructor while simultaneously teaching business and professional speech at Bradley University. She advanced to assistant professor of speech and forensics at ICC, and to interim director of the basic speech program at Bradley, where she earned a master’s degree in speech and drama. When Alan was transferred to Geneva, Switzerland, they moved there with their two children Jeff and Jill. Barhost taught at the International School of Geneva and Webster University Geneva, and earned a master’s degree from Webster. They returned to the United States in 1986 and Barhost again joined the ICC staff. She earned her doctorate in educational administration from Illinois State University in December 1997, and was recently promoted to the position of vice president in charge of planning and information services.