The Peoria Woman - July 2007

Teaching the Value of Education
Under this Peoria woman's leadership, District 150's Harrison School received an Award of Merit as a Learning Organization, and the Harrison Reading Initiative resulted in Harrison School students achieving some of the highest reading, writing and math scores among all Peoria Title I schools. This, along with Perkins' many other achievements, impressed President George W. Bush—then a presidential hopeful—who, upon a visit to the school in 2000, said to Perkins, “You are a woman of great enthusiasm—a woman of passion and focus. Even if they had a voucher system in Peoria, it wouldn’t affect Harrison School because the parents of Harrison School see the benefits of the principal, the teachers, the curriculum and they see no need to leave. Harrison has it right.” We think Perkins has it right, too.

Peoria Profile

Flooded With Love
by Andrea Roth
After learning the Portuguese language, traveling to Brazil, being honored by the U.S. Congress and narrowly avoiding 9-11 during the adoption process, this mother of 18 children no longer has what most people would call an “ordinary” life.

YWCA Winners

by Andrea Roth
These seven women celebrated by the YWCA's annual Leader Luncheon have made outstanding contributions to the Peoria area community through their leadership in arts and education, business and industry, communications, community service, human rights, and professional trades.

The Art of Copywriting

Michelle Lefebvre
DLA Creative, Inc.

Copywriters write for many and have to tailor their writing styles based on who—and what—they’re writing for.


Senior Moments

By Bugs
Women represent 25 percent of all golfers. They come to golf later in life than men and stay longer.

Down in the Dumps of Debt

Libby Zivalich
Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery
The level of destructiveness of a spending addiction can not be accurately measured until the mirror of reality is held up.

Homecare 101: Part 2

Debbie Davison
Home Health Care Plus

Do you qualify for home care services covered by Medicare?

Women and Sleep

by Kishore Karamchandani, MD
C. Duane Morgan Sleep Disorders Center
Getting the right amount of sleep is vital, but just as important is the quality of your sleep.

Women and Finance - A Likely Pairing

by Monica Jagiella
Smith Barney
Although this isn’t always the hottest topic in the soccer fields or at cocktail parties, it is, in my opinion, the most important.