Peoria Profile

Terra Bohlmann: The Mole Hole of Peoria
A combination of business experience, good timing, and new-mother restlessness can be credited with the presence of The Mole Hole at The Shoppes at Grand Prairie.

Owner Terra Bohlmann, a Bartonville native and Bradley University graduate, spent three years in Chicago as a computer programmer and business analyst for The Spiegel Group. "I received invaluable business experience and had the opportunity to travel all over the United States and even Hong Kong and experience all stages of the retail lifecycle-from a conceptual design to getting the product in the hands of the customer."

Wanting to be closer to their families-and escape the big-city lifestyle-Bohlmann and her husband moved back to the Peoria area upon learning they were expecting their first child. The couple decided to go the traditional route, with Bohlmann a stay-at-home mom. "That plan obviously didn't work out, but something greater did," she said. "I found myself getting a little antsy at home. At the same time I thought about going back to work, I drove by The Shoppes' construction site. It hit me: Why not bring The Mole Hole to Peoria? There was a Mole Hole where I lived in Naperville, and I enjoyed it very much."

With the knowledge and passion for retail she had gained from her time with Spiegel, Bohlmann said it just made sense to open The Mole Hole. "I received the contact information about opening a Mole Hole, contacted Cullinan properties, and the rest is history. The store was constructed in about six weeks because we wanted to open at the same time as the rest of the stores. We were designing, building, hiring, ordering, and shipping inventory at the same time. It was a hectic six weeks; however, the grand opening was flawless. Everything came together, and we pulled it off perfectly, thanks to the help of Peoria Metro Construction and our newly experienced store manager, Patty Grant. I've never worked with such enthusiastic, hard-working people."

Becoming the youngest Mole Hole owner, Bohlmann opened her store in April 2003 in conjunction with The Shoppes at Grand Prairie grand opening.

While most people assume The Mole Hole is a franchise, Bohlmann said it's actually operated as a license. "You pay a fee to use The Mole Hole name and logo," she explained. "After working with Mole Hole owner Jack Harris on the initial buy, I was able to replenish and find new, unique items for the store. There are more than 50 Mole Holes located throughout the U. S., but each is individually owned and operated, so every Mole Hole is a unique experience. However, most Mole Holes carry about 20 percent of the same merchandise because the items have become a staple product of The Mole Hole."

She said The Mole Hole is a gift store and art gallery focusing on unique items and outstanding customer service. "Specifically, The Mole Hole of Peoria carries jewelry, art, gifts, and home décor products. The Mole Hole mixes well-known products such as Crabtree & Evelyn as well as artist pieces. The popularity of our products depends on the season. During the spring, home accessories are especially popular because people are remodeling or want to spruce up their décor. Right now, our jewelry is extremely popular. Not only does The Mole Hole carry fun jewelry and Italian charms, but also nice designer jewelry lines such as Patricia Locke, Shaune Bazner, Amber by Katya, Pandora, and Illinois artist The Bead Lady. We carry a great selection of wedding, anniversary, christening/baptism, birthday, and hostess gifts. Customers love that we gift wrap for free, sell handmade greeting cards, and even ship their gift if necessary. Convenience in gift shopping combined with a unique, quality product selection and a wonderful experience is our core business."

It's the unique product selection that usually surprises people when they come into The Mole Hole for the first time, Bohlmann said. "Even with our elegant appeal, we have something for every price range-from $1 to more than $5,000. Customers come into The Mole Hole and have a good time. The store becomes a hangout for ladies who are going to lunch during the week; they all congregate in the store and have a great time. I love to hear people laughing at a funny product or saying on a plaque. It's all about the total experience when our customers walk in the door. We like to appeal to all senses-from hearing our signature Porter music to seeing a unique selection of products."

And customers' appreciation goes beyond compliments-it extends to the cash register as well. "We turned a profit our first year in business, which is very rare with new businesses. One customer came in and said, 'Word on the street is that this is the place to shop.' I love hearing things like that because it tells me that the word is getting out about The Mole Hole. We recently had Bradley University students conduct a customer satisfaction survey, and one lady said, 'If The Mole Hole has it, I want it.' That was one of the best compliments I've ever received," she said.

Bohlmann chose The Shoppes at Grand Prairie as the location for her store because she said it was consistent with the upscale image of The Mole Hole. "Peoria has an absolute gem with The Shoppes. I see out-of-town visitors daily and always hear how they feel like they're in a nice shopping center in Chicago. And there's so much more development planned by The Shoppes that it will soon be the shopping and dining mecca of Peoria."

She said there are more positive aspects to running her business than she can name. "I enjoy talking with customers, and they love to tell us about every Mole Hole they've been in. We love hearing about it, too. At times, it gives me more flexibility to spend time with my husband, Darin, and my 19 month-old, Grant. Darin and I usually work from home at nights after our son goes to sleep to maximize time with him. Plus, I get to spend time with my husband, and since we both enjoy the business side of the store, it doesn't even seem like work. I also love the opportunity to travel to find new products for the store, as well as check out how other stores do things. It's the perfect job for someone who loves to travel and shop."

The most challenging aspect of her career is the employee side of the business, she said. "It's hard to figure out what motivates retail employees. I can honestly say I've had a great group of sales associates. I'm lucky because in retail, turnover tends to be high. The Mole Hole has an unusually low turnover rate. Each employee brings her own unique flare and special talents to the store."

Bohlmann's advice for other potential female business owners? "Open a business you're passionate about. Do your research by talking to other owners, especially woman business owners, in your area of interest. As long as you aren't direct competition for current owners, most people will tell you the good and bad about owning your own business. Read everything you can about your industry. Then, don't be afraid to jump in and seize your opportunity; it's the best way to learn. Owning your own business is hard work that requires your attention at all times. I call The Mole Hole my second child. It's on your mind all the time. You have to become an expert in time management. I also recommend hiring and empowering the best employees you can. You can't do it all-even if you think you can. My last piece of advice is to support your local business owners. I enjoy shopping, especially when I know my money is supporting other locals like me and keeping sales tax dollars in the local community to support our schools."

She said her future plans don't include resting on her laurels any time soon. "I'd like to open additional retail stores throughout central Illinois. Also, I'm developing a Web site,, that keeps all Mole Hole owners in contact at all times. It gets expensive flying around for face-to-face meetings with other Mole Hole owners, so it made sense to launch a discussion board Web site that keeps all of us in the loop with everything from hot selling items to who's going where to buy for the season."

Another new endeavor is launching GiftConcierge, a separate entity that focuses on finding the right gift or combination of gifts for clients. "This includes everything from making custom gift-baskets, gift-wrapping, and shipping/delivery. People want convenience with a personal touch. It makes sense to combine my gift business expertise with clients in need of finding that perfect gift. One specific focus will be on corporate gifts and a reminder service for clients. Men in this town will never forget their anniversary again." TPW