
In today’s world of "health" care, many patients are handled by treating the crisis (pain) before truly attacking the problem. The pain is resolved, but is the problem resolved? The problem usually isn’t resolved with just relief of the pain. You may ask yourself why this is important when there’s no more pain; no more pain has to mean no more problems. But does it really?

Headlines cry: "Forty-five-year-old man in perfect health dies of a heart attack." Or we hear about the thousands diagnosed with cancer each year. These people didn’t go from perfect health to cancer in a matter of minutes. We’re told that early detection is the best prevention. I ask you to think about that statement. Early detection is finding a problem soon enough that we may be able to fix it without severe consequences. But the fact is still this: Early detection isn’t prevention. Prevention is prevention, and a healthy lifestyle is a great form of prevention.

Cynics may say it’s still not prevention. Maybe not, but it’s one step ahead of early detection. In many cases, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, and, one of the most common silent killers, vertebral subluxation, are all due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Yes, many of these diseases could be classified as hereditary, but why is that? Unhealthy lifestyles and habits may run in a family-the same unhealthy patterns that may lead to diseases. These patterns may include not enough exercise, poor eating habits, and even high amounts of stress and negative thoughts.

As I stated earlier, patients are typically handled by treating the crisis (pain) first. Then, in some cases, the true problem is attacked, and once the problem is fixed, we can discuss some type of maintenance. However, failing to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the first place is what leads to the original crisis. A health maintenance program can be a great benefit to anyone’s lifestyle; a health improvement program can be even better.

It’s up to the individual to make the decision of where they want to be: crisis mode, attack-the-problem mode, maintenance mode, or improvement mode. My challenge to you is to decide where you want to be and what type of prevention you choose to incorporate into your life. If you aren’t sure where to start, there are many books available on increasing your health on a daily basis. Many chiropractors are knowledgeable in health improvement and the steps needed to start living a life of improved health. Contact a chiropractor today, and he or she may know how to lead you in the direction of a better you. TPW