
All of us either are suffering from this very common problem, have suffered from it in the past, or know someone who has. This isn’t a condition you can look up in Dorland’s Medical Dictionary or find listed in any literature at the Palmer College of Chiropractic Library. If this problem is there long enough, the recovery can be lengthy and sometimes very expensive. But what is it? Maybe It Will Go Away.

We’ve all said this at least once in our lives. Some very common causes for this may include neck pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, knee pain, ankle pain, and headaches. Sometimes we may have encountered a stressful environment either at work or possibly at family gatherings, and then we experience some type of discomfort. The first reaction may be the pain, and more often than not, the next step is to think, "It hurts, but maybe it will go away."

This can be a dangerous approach because there can be something more serious happening. Most pharmaceutical companies tell us this problem can be solved with a pill. Pain medications do simply what they state: mask or cover up the pain. They don’t address the problem. This is also the case for anti-inflammatory medications; once again, they don’t help you find and fix the true problem. There may be cases where these can be helpful in allowing us to deal with the severe aspects of the problem, but they don’t fix it.

With the spring season, we all tend to become more active. This leads to a whole new list of problems that may come about. We may not be ready for heavy activities and exercise, which may lead to injuries. This can be a prime time to suffer from MIWGA because if the pain is minimal enough, we tend to "just work through it" because we know it will go away. More often than not, this isn’t the case. Many people also spend the winter season letting problems from last summer go away on their own. This can be a big problem when beginning that same activity, such as running, and encountering this same problem again. The problem most likely needs to be fixed properly.

So what do you do if you suffer from MIWGA? As a chiropractor, I see people who have this in my office every day. Many of the joint aches and pains may be helped with chiropractic care. Lowback pain, neck pain, and headaches may even be helped enough that if the problem ever comes back in the future, it will be easier to manage. In many cases, there’s some type of rest and rehabilitation that will be needed also. If you or someone you know suffers from MIWGA, give chiropractic a try. You’ll be pleased with the results. TPW