Designs For Living

Magical Reality: The Set Design Approach to Interior Decor

The motion picture industry has known for years that images create emotions, and you can change the way you feel by changing the way you look. The same can be said of our environments. We’ve all escaped for a few hours into the lavish sets and designs on the silver screen only to return to our own neglected homes feeling as though we’re missing out on something special.

Of course you’ll be depressed if your home is cluttered and uninspired, but a few simple changes can make all the difference. You can use your favorite plays and movies as a starting point for your own home décor projects. By creating a space that evokes the lifestyle of your alter ego, you can start to feel like that interesting person inside you.

Have you ever seen a film and thought, "I want to be that person"? While we all know real life isn’t the movies, and a rotating waterbed with a mirrored ceiling may be impractical, we can take a cue from the movies and add some of their particular flavor to our own lives through interior design.

We all like to play make believe every once in a while, and by creating a space in our home that evokes those same feelings, we can bring fantasy to life. Who do you want to be? What would that person wear, where would they live, what sort of things would they have around them?

Take some time to visualize the environment the person you most admire would live in. Then create that environment for yourself. Think of your room as a movie set for the character you admire. What’s the character’s favorite color? Is it the green of a meadow or the sultry orange of a southern afternoon? What patterns intrigue you-Russian paisleys, country florals, or modern geometric?

As you travel mentally around your room, what things seem out of place? Is another time and place in order? If period films are your favorite, maybe antiques would suit you better than new furnishings. Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to be James Bond, and luxurious modern furniture would fit the bill.

Whatever time and place energizes you and makes you feel most like your inner self, that’s the look to go for. If you aren’t sure what items you need to get your look, a decorator can be very helpful.

Bring to the forefront things that make you unique, whether it’s a collection of model cars that show your passion for racing or a religious symbol that emphasizes your faith. Choose accessories and décor that highlight aspects of your life you would like to cultivate. If you would like to become more worldly, add an old world globe to your décor. Need more fun in your life? How about some antique toys or a colorful quilt? Have romance on your mind? Red roses, lace curtains, and soft fabrics are in order.

The accessories are the crowning touch to any interior design and are the little things that change the ordinary into the ultra personal. Even one luxury item, like a mink throw or a crystal vase, can make you feel like a celebrity.

Whatever your need, the right color, style, and accessories can "set the stage" and make you feel like you’re the star of your own show. TPW