The Peoria Woman - November 2002

Delayne Spain owns Spain Photography and the Peacock Gallery in Peoria Heights. She’s been a professional photographer for more than 25 years. She talks about photography as a form of art, her parents inspiration on her career, and much more.


Lead Story

Do Something Great— Leaving a Legacy
By Tori Phelps
Many women in central Illinois make a concerted effort to devote time to improving the community, such as volunteering for a favorite cause or attending a charity event. The Peoria Area Leave a Legacy (LAL) organization is trying to get the word out that planned giving is another way to ensure the future of the community remains bright.

Peoria Profile

Hanne Sfeir Rickert, Byblos
The restaurant’s name is the first clue that diners are in for a unique experience. Byblos, which is located in the River Station building, offers classic Lebanese fare and a complete Mediterranean dining experience.
Tori Phelps, The Peoria Woman Editor
Dr. Tony Fry, Peoria Chiropractical Center
Mary Sandy, Wellington's Kitchen Galleries

From the Editor

Accidental Loss
The past month has brought back many memories and feelings I can’t yet understand—feelings of sadness, joy, pride, embarrassment, anxiousness, and patience, accompanied by tears and smiles. Funny how a color, a song, a season, a smell, a holiday, a birthday, or an anniversary can bring unconscious, often suppressed emotions to the present in a split second, devastating the moment.