
Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care can be beneficial for mothers-to-be? Absolutely. Pregnancy can be a very exciting time in a woman’s life, yet at the same time can be overshadowed by extreme pain and discomfort. This occurs because during pregnancy, women undergo tremendous structural and hormonal changes that affect the nerves, spine, ligaments, organs, and even their overall stability. A doctor of chiropractic can help the spinal column, pelvis, and all related structures move properly, stay balanced, and remain free from vertebral subluxation.

Keeping the spine healthy helps expectant mothers better handle the stress of childbirth and gives them a greater level of comfort. It’s also a drug-less approach to health. Studies show chiropractic care may help decrease labor time by improving functions of the pituitary, adrenal, ovarian, and placental systems.

According to scientific studies, roughly half of all pregnant women battle backache. Pregnant women have a greater risk of having back pains during pregnancy if they have a history of back pain, according to a Swedish study of 804 expectant mothers. In addition, expectant mothers who have physically demanding jobs are more likely to develop back pain than are their peers with sedentary occupations. Younger women tend to suffer from pregnancy-related backache more than older women, and mothers who have had previous children are at an elevated risk, compared with first-time moms, according to a study published in Spine magazine.

Back pain during pregnancy tends to be more severe than in non-pregnant women. The main reason is called sacroiliac joint dysfunction (also called SI joint dysfunction or SI subluxation). Scientific research shows SI joint dysfunction is the primary cause of pregnancy-related back pain. SI joint dysfunction involves misalignment or restricted movement in the sacrum and two iliac bones that form the pelvic girdle. In preparation for delivery, the body increases production of a hormone called relaxin. This hormone softens the ligaments that hold together the pelvic bones. Although this process facilitates delivery, it also undermines the alignment of the sacrum and adjacent iliac bones.

Scientific research supports the link between relaxin and SI joint dysfunction. In one study, moms-to-be were given blood tests to determine the level of the hormone relaxin. The studies showed women with high levels of relaxin had a high chance of developing low back pain. Another study compared women in late pregnancy with and without low back pain. The group with low back pain had much higher levels of relaxin in their blood than the pain free group.

The following are common questions about chiropractic during pregnancy:
  • Is chiropractic safe for a pregnant woman and her unborn child? Yes. Chiropractic’s gentle, drug-free approach is especially beneficial during pregnancy. Chiropractors have special tables that can make the expectant mother comfortable. The chiropractic adjustment is also safe for the child; the mother’s pelvic bones and the bag of water are naturally designed to guard the baby from almost all physical stress.

  • Can chiropractic help breech positions? In most cases. One of the latest developments in chiropractic prenatal care is the Webster Procedure, designed to release stress on the pregnant pelvis and cause relaxation to the uterus so the baby will turn naturally. Some studies have had as high as a 94 percent success rate.

Many of the joys and frustrations of parenthood will last much longer than nine months, but back pain is one frustration that doesn’t have to last. If you’re expecting a child and are experiencing back pain, talk to your doctor of chiropractic about making your pregnancy as pain-free as possible. TPW