Home & Hearth

New Dishwashers Save Time, Effort
Think about it—When was the last time you had a big family dinner and didn’t have to wash at least some of the dishes by hand? Or run a second or third dishwasher load late into the night?

Most people don’t give dishwashers much thought—unless they break down. But there are any number of innovative things you can do to improve the day-to-day functionality of your dishwasher.

One of those things is to custom elevate the dishwasher, install it anywhere from 6 to 12 inches off the floor, so the person who uses it most doesn’t have to bend over to unload it. The exact degree of elevation is geared to the particular individual. The only reason dishwashers are installed at floor level is to preserve an uninterrupted work surface above.

While elevated dishwashers aren’t for every kitchen, more and more people who have large enough kitchens and are able to interrupt a given work surface are opting to include them in their new construction and remodeling plans.

Another option homeowners might want to consider is multiple dishwashers.

Unless you can get everything in one load, dishwashers lose some of their convenience—not just at holiday gatherings. Large families generate lots of dishes every night, as do some gourmet cooks and avid bakers.

Some people also use multiple dishwashers as convenient storage cabinets for their everyday dishes. Again, if you think about it, unloading a dishwasher is really non-productive. Why can’t the dishes you use over and over again be stored in the dishwasher?

Why do we have to move them someplace else before we use them again? At the very least, the less you load and unload the dishwasher, the more you prevent the spread of germs and other contaminants from handling.

When installing a second dishwasher, homeowners may consider locations other than the kitchen. You might want to have one in the dining area or anywhere else you actually generate the dirty dishes. That way, you can clear the table and load the dishwasher without having to carry the dishes halfway across the kitchen.

Perhaps the nicest thing about the suggestions is that any one of them can be implemented with a standard dishwasher. We’re not talking about exotic or expensive equipment, but standard dishwashers put to non-standard, but efficient, uses that virtually anyone can afford to implement. TPW