The Peoria Woman - July 2001

Lois Hamilton is both an associate dean at Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing, and a counselor at the PH Connection in Peoria. She talks about her unplanned career transition, the current nursing shortage affecting the country, balancing work and community involvement, and more.


From the Editor

Guilt-Free Summer Vacations
I was reminded about the importance of taking care of myself first by a colleague who stated the importance she placed on vacations—and time off from work for herself—and encouraged the same for her staff. "If I suffer burnout, or force my staff into burnout, how will the company survive?"

Peoria Profile

Karen Shadid, Detweiller Center
For Karen Shadid, business is a family affair. Shadid, a leasing agent at Detweiller Center and manager of Pac Supply Company, has made her own way in her parents’ companies and is now fully engrossed in real estate and her growing family.
Mary Sandy, Wellington's Kitchen Galleries
Jeanne Buysee, American Family Insurance
Donna Christenberry, Federal Travel