An Award-Winning Photo

A photograph by OSF HealthCare Children’s Hospital of Illinois photographer Jim Carlson was selected for inclusion in the 2017 Children’s Hospitals Photo Exhibit, a national competition by the Children’s Hospital Association.

The exhibit communicates the hope, compassion and resilience shared by the children and families served by children’s hospitals, celebrating their commitment to the health of all children.

Carlson’s photo, Ella receiving an echocardiogram, was one of 48 chosen from over 180 submitted photos by a distinguished panel of judges representing Parents magazine, National Geographic Kids, Positive Exposure and the Children’s Hospitals Today editorial advisory group. The judges noted Carlson’s excellent composition and ability to depict what really makes children’s hospitals unique.

The exhibit debuted last week in Washington, DC and will be on display to the general public the week of July 10, 2017 in the rotunda of the Russell Senate Building and in the foyer of the Rayburn House Building. In addition, the exhibit will travel around the country for two years displaying at children’s hospitals and partnering organizations in support of a variety of outreach efforts and events. Visit to view the full exhibit. iBi