iBi - April 2017

by Jonathan Wright

Peer-to-peer lending, digital payment technologies, robo-advisors, insurtech, the blockchain. Can legacy companies adapt to this changing world… or will they be consumed by it?

A Firm Footing

With so many decisions out of our control—and with politics as broken as the healthcare and tax systems Congress is attempting to fix—how do we plan responsibly for the future?

Living in a Carefree Home

by Terry Bibo
Photography by Greg Neaveill

R.G. LeTourneau’s past innovation is a present dwelling… and a future museum exhibit.

Trust, Discipline and Steady Growth

by Liz Scoville

For four decades, DVI has adhered to the client-centric values of its founder, offering stability and integrity in the face of financial storms.

Q&A with Brad Halverson

Growing up in Delavan, Brad Halverson admired his father’s work on the third shift at Caterpillar’s East Peoria plant. Today, he's a group president, CFO and 29-year veteran of the company.

Looking Back at Lessons Learned

by Kip McCoy
Central Illinois Angels

Since forming in 2009, Central Illinois Angels has learned—and adopted—best practices for angel investing.

Money Matters for Millennials

by Philip Schmidt
Witzig Financial Strategies

Despite holding different priorities than previous generations, money does matter to Generation Y.


The New Peorians

This WTVP series takes a look at the three major immigrant groups who found their way to central Illinois, embraced this land of opportunity and helped shape a new society.