Emily J. Scott

Quest Charter Academy

As the assistant principal at Quest Middle School in Peoria, Emily J. Scott is responsible for assisting the principal in planning, directing and supervising the total school program. She helps to develop and refine a research-based framework for teaching and learning, and plays a critical role in fostering a collaborative environment among teachers, students, parents and the community, the results of which can be seen in the academic success and social and emotional development of her students.

Prior to coming to Peoria, Scott taught in the Tampa, Florida public school system, where she was named Teacher of the Year in 2007. She joined Quest when it first opened in 2010, serving as a fifth-grade reading and language arts teacher and language arts team leader. She was promoted to an administrative position after two years, having earned the respect and trust of her students and fellow teachers.

Scott played a key role in the planning and physical move of Quest’s fifth through seventh grades to a new building, putting in many hours to ensure policies and procedures were in place for a successful start to the 2012-13 school year. She has attended numerous educational conferences in recent years, returning to Peoria eager to share what she learned.

A leader by example, Scott not only seeks out opportunities for Quest students to give back to their community, she participates alongside them. She organized student participation in cleanup events for the Center Bluff Neighborhood Association, raking and bagging leaves for veterans and elderly residents. She and her students have also participated in river cleanup efforts through the Illinois River Sweep, and made greeting cards for sick children at Children’s Hospital of Illinois. She is a strong supporter of the United Way and always the first to volunteer as a chaperone on school trips. iBi

Source URL: https://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/ibi/2015/nov/emily-j-scott