Jamie Anne Messmore

Alzheimer’s Association

As development director for the Alzheimer’s Association, Central Illinois Chapter, Jamie Anne Messmore is responsible for all of its fundraising, including numerous walks, golf outings and other special events. Promoted to her position after just one year, she has helped raise more than $750,000 for the local chapter, leading it to add three new hires to support her increased fundraising efforts.

Prior to her work at the Alzheimer’s Association, Messmore was a senior income development representative at the American Cancer Society. In this role, she was selected at the ACS national summit to lead courses and sit on teams advising employees from across the country on successful fundraising and leadership techniques.

While Messmore works for a nonprofit organization, her generosity and passion for the causes she cares about extend far beyond her job duties. She is a regular volunteer at the Crittenton Center’s crisis nursery and volunteer coordinator for the Festival of Trees, one of the organization’s largest fundraisers. She also gives back to her sorority, Pi Beta Phi, as an active alum and financial advisor to the Illinois Theta chapter at Bradley University, where she mentors students on fiscal responsibility and ensures the chapter’s solvency.

Messmore is treasurer of the Central Illinois Association of Fundraising Professionals and a 2012 graduate of the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce Community Leadership School, serving on the planning committee since 2013. She has also served on the Heart of Illinois United Way’s GENeration United Connect committee, linking emerging leaders with volunteer and entertainment opportunities, and has been a member of the Young Professionals of Greater Peoria and the Illinois Central College Scholarship Selection Committee.

When not busy leading fundraising efforts or other volunteer activities, she enjoys reading, restoring antique furniture, and spending time with her husband, Joe, and daughter, Scarlett. iBi


Source URL: https://ww2.peoriamagazines.com/ibi/2014/nov/jamie-anne-messmore